View Scenario Report

To view a scenario report:

  1. Click the Scenario Report
Figure 60: Scenario Report

2. Expand the menu and select the View Report

3. The scenario report is displayed. Click the Expand icon below the Re-Run button to view a detailed report.

Re-Run a Scenario

  1. Click the Re-Run Button  in the Scenario Report Tab.

Re-Run a Scenario for Current, Specified, or Random Time

Figure 61: Schedule Scenario

View Graph

  1. Click the Graph icon to view the Graph of any Havoc from the Scenario.
  2. Graph will be displayed.

Scenario name

  1. Select Scenarios from the drop-down list to view the Scenario Report. 
  2. Scenario Report for the Selected scenarios will be displayed.
Figure 62: Scenario Name

Top Run

Provide the number of runs you want to view in your Scenario Report. For example, if you specify 5, the top 5 Runs of the Selected Scenario will be displayed in the Scenario Report.

Figure 63: Top